Archive for December, 2006

Career path?

Sunday, December 17th, 2006

Been thinking a lot about my “career” recently. These two quotes struck me…

George Monbiot’s take:

The advisers say that a career path like this is essential if you don’t want to fall into the “trap” of specialisation: that is to say, if you want to be flexible enough to respond to the changing demands of the employment market. But the truth is that by following the path they suggest, you are becoming a specialist: a specialist in the moronic recycling of what the rich and powerful deem to be news.

John Naughton’s take:

I’m a bit suspicious of the idea of a ‘career’ — it sounds like something out of control. It’s a media concept like ‘lifestyle’.

U316 result

Friday, December 15th, 2006

Just got my final U316 results. I got a distinction mark in course work but much less in the exam component (a sort of mini dissertation with web site) resulting in a level 3 pass (there are 5 grade levels, from 5, which is a fail, to 1, which is a distinction). I clearly misjudged what they were after. One major problem with the OU is the lack of any route to get really good quality feedback on where you went wrong in the exam component of a course – basically there isn’t one. This is a big black mark against it versus a conventional university where you can engage with tutors face to face and discuss an exam. Still, I passed, so another 60 points in the bag, and progress.

I suppose I shouldn’t complain since I had a woeful amount of time to do the dissertation and as a result it was rushed. I’m left with the feeling that to do this studying lark justice, I really need to find more time, and I can’t really see where! Lots to think about. I’ve not committed to any more courses just yet.

A LOCOG blog

Tuesday, December 12th, 2006

LOCOG now has a blog. I dearly hope it really will be a blog and not just another one-to-many corporate communications tool. Ringing the bell for a memorable Games is the best entry so far IMO. Anyway, well done Alex 🙂