Archive for April, 2006

CoCom 1

Monday, April 24th, 2006

We completed the first Co-ordination Commission visit last Friday. We called it CoCom 1 which sounds like a movie title or our “current defense (sic) condition” – “we’re at CoCom 1”, which means “World War Three” is imminent. Anyway, I’ve now caught up on sleep! It was a manic few days, but we seem to have done well judging by the press comments. I was involved in the planning and execution of the site visit. Great co-operation from people at AEG for The O2 visit, Murphys and LDA people at the Power Tunnels site, Newham people at Holden Point and LCR people at the Stratford CTRL site. So thanks to all of them! The great thing about the London 2012 project is the team spirit it engenders. This sounds a bit too good to be true, but in my experience it is very real, and it’s one of the best reasons to be working on the project. And thanks to the LOCOG team I worked with as well!

U316 TMA1

Monday, April 24th, 2006

Did well on my first TMA for U316. 85%. Delighted about this. It is a challenging course that is unlike any other I have done. You have to stick pretty rigidly to the schedule and work through the activities religiously to score well. Less scope for ‘tactical’ studying than previous courses. This makes balancing it with work very challenging, but equally somehow more rewarding.